Greenhouse and Weather details (Sturefors) 6:29 23/2/25

Current Conditions

Outside Temperature: 3.4 °C , Today's High: 3.4 °C at 5:58 , Lo: 2.4 °C at 1:12 , Barometric Trend: 0.43
Sunrise : 7:06  Sunset: 17:11 , Moonrise:   6:09   Moonset:  9:57 , Moon Phase: 24


Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time

Wind Gust

1 3 0:00 0 3:00 1 0.6 0.6 6:22 -1.9 1:00

In Humidity

24 27 0:00 24 5:02 24 -0.2 1.2 0:00 -1.0 5:02

Out Humidity

82 88 0:27 82 4:51 82 -0.4 2.4 0:27 -2.6 3:22

In Temp

21.9 22.1 0:00 21.9 4:55 21.9 -0.03 0.01 0:00 -0.12 4:55

Out Temp

3.4 3.4 5:58 2.4 1:12 3.3 0.13 0.21 5:58 -0.89 0:09


1009 1009 4:28 1007 0:00 1009 0.43 1.19 4:28 -0.54 2:43


3634.0 3634.0 0:00 3634.0 0:00 3634.0 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0:00

In 2 Temp

20.5 21.2 0:00 20.4 6:07 20.5 -0.04 0.01 4:01 -0.21 3:11

In 2 Humidity

26 32 0:00 26 4:36 26 -0.2 1.0 0:00 -2.2 2:26

Greenhouse 3 Temp

0.0 0.0 0:00 0.0 0:00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0:00

Greenhouse 3 Humidity

0 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0.0 0.0 0:00 0.0 0:00

UV Index

0.0 0.0 0:00 0.0 0:00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0:00

Wind Chill

2.8 3.4 5:58 0.2 0:18 3.1 -0.36 0.71 2:51 -2.66 0:18

Dew Point

0.6 1.1 0:27 0.4 4:51 0.6 0.05 0.09 5:58 -0.92 0:09


Month High Date Month Low Date Year High Date Year Low Date Yesterday High Yesterday Low 24 Hour Difference

Wind Gust

9 20/2/25 0 1/2/25 333 9/5/24 0 1/1/24 6 0 -2

In Humidity

34 16/2/25 21 14/2/25 100 16/5/24 3 9/2/24 29 22 2

Out Humidity

98 6/2/25 18 20/2/25 100 19/2/24 9 19/5/24 98 83 -16

In Temp

23.5 20/2/25 20.5 1/2/25 155.5 3/6/24 1.4 16/5/24 22.2 21.6 0.1

Out Temp

7.3 6/2/25 -14.3 16/2/25 35.8 26/6/24 -23.5 6/1/24 6.7 2.4 -0.4


1040 7/2/25 1006 22/2/25 1040 7/2/25 726 28/6/24 1011 1006 0


3634.0 1/2/25 3634.0 1/2/25 3634.0 1/1/24 3634.0 1/1/24 3634.0 3634.0 0.0

In 2 Temp

27.0 18/2/25 19.4 1/2/25 30.0 20/7/24 16.4 6/1/24 21.5 20.3 0.1

In 2 Hum

32 5/2/25 2 16/2/25 57 28/6/24 2 8/2/24 32 10 14

Greenhouse 3 Temp

0.0 1/2/25 0.0 1/2/25 0.0 1/1/24 0.0 1/1/24 0.0 0.0 0.0

Greenhouse 3 Hum

0 1/2/25 0 1/2/25 0 1/1/24 0 1/1/24 0 0 0

UV Index

0.0 1/2/25 0.0 1/2/25 0.0 1/1/24 0.0 1/1/24 0.0 0.0 0.0

Wind Chill

7.3 6/2/25 -14.3 16/2/25 35.8 26/6/24 -23.5 6/1/24 6.7 -0.9 -1.0

Dew Point

4.7 22/2/25 -23.4 16/2/25 19.1 12/7/24 -28.5 6/1/24 4.7 1.0 -2.9

Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station  V14.01
Never make important decisions based on this information or any weather information obtained from the Internet